
I am soo bored right now.
I've decided to do a quiz, maybe even 2.
1) Do you eat alot of fast food?
Nope, only when i have to.
2) Have you kissed anyone in 2008?
No, and i don't intend to anytime soon.
3) Were you happy when you woke up today?
No, i had cramps ):
4) What did you last get upset about?
5) Do you eat candy on a daily basis?
I need my daily dose of chocolate.
6) What about your 5th sent message?
To domonic about saturday.
7) Who was the last person you ate with?
Avlyn and her family.
8) Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Myself and prisci.
9) Who was the last person you sat next to?
10) What were you doing at 10am?
I think i was still asleep.
11) Have you changed alot since summer?
Firstly, there is no summer here. And i feel the same.
12) What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself?
Most probably coke.
13) Where is the place you want to be right now?
Sentosa, watching the sunset.
14) When was the last time you cried?
Idk, it was months ago.
15) What's your favourite song at the moment?
Memory, it never gets old for some reason.
16) What were you doing at 11 last night?
Reading eclipse.
17) Who's near you?
Nobody, i'm all alone.
18) What were you doing at 5am in the morning?
I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water. I couldn't sleep.
19) What's bothering you now?
The fact that i'm fat and not losing any weight.
20) Who was the last person you talk on the phone with?
21) Whose house did you last go to?
Avlyn, slept over last saturday.
22) Who honestly knows everything about you?
Nobody, i'm not an open person.
23) Who broke your heart?
Nobody yet.
24) Honestly, do you love someone very much?
Sad to say, no.
25) Who was the last person who tell you that they love you?
Haha, if i remember correctly, it was maria.
26) Are you friends with the person you last kissed?
This is a question i cannot answer.
27) Are there any parts of your body that hurts?
I'm having cramps. Do the maths.
28) In the supermarket, the first thing that gets your attention is?
The fishes, they look soo dead. Haha.
29) How cool do you think you are?
If you mean cool as in too anti-social to mix around, then i think i'm extremely cool.
30) Drugs are?
One word, Intentions.
31) Which one do you hate the most?
Which what?
32) Who was the first person to text you today?
I don't know.
33) What was the first thing you did this morning?
Sit on my bed.
34) Who was your last missed call on your cellphone?
Some unknown caller.
35) What's the last mistake you made?
Eating too much.
36) What are you listening to right now?
The sound of the fan.
37) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with?
38) Who was the last person to call you.
My ugly older brother.
39) Is there anything you want to say to someone special?
No. What kind of a question is that?!
Do enjoy reading about my boring life.
1.)Have you smoked a whole box of cigarettes before?
2.)Have you kissed somebody last week?
3.)Who's the last person that came to your house?
Zephen's friend i guess
4.)Miss someone?
Alot of people.
5.)What are you doing tomorrow?
I have training, then i'm going for lunch with CHARMS!
6.)Who is the last boy/girl you had a meaningful conversation with?
I think all my conversations are meaningful. Yeah rightt.
7.)What were u doing at 1545 today?
8.)Who/what made you happy today?
I can read my book in peace.
9.)Who's on your mind constantly?
A friend.
10.)Last person you hug?
11.)The last text you received on your mobile,who was it from?
12.)Where is he/she whom last text you?
She should be home by now.
13.)What/who do think of when you're alone?
What the hell am i doing wasting my life.
14.)Last person to disappoint you?
Who else but myself.
15.)Who/What made you angry today?
I was happy today :)
16.)Who do you miss most?
Honestly, i don't know.
17.)Do you find yourself loved?
No, i think i'm too much of a bitch for that.
18.)Plans for the weekend?
Bowling or swimming. Either one.
19.)Do you have over 150 friendster friends?
Yeah, long time ago.
20.)Prefer rebonded hair of permed?
They're both ugly.
21.)Do you cry when you're upset?
Nahh. Sometimes
22.)What were you doing at 0923 this morning?
Sleeping.That's for sure.
23.)Do you like your hair coloured?
Yes! I want it purple or green! Hahaha!
24.)Can you sing?
I say yes, gabriel says no! I think he's lying, HAHAHA!
25.)What are you looking forward to?
26.)Who do you hate most??
It's a secret.
27.)Who's your idol?
I have no idol.
28.)Ur fav chocolate?
I have no idea, chocolate is chocolate!
29.)Anyone whom u wish to thank ?
Yes, my brother for being ugly.
30.)If u have one wish,what will u wish for?
For my ugly brother to stop farting.