Thursday, January 12, 2012

'Once bitten, twice shy'

January must really be hating on me.

Why is that so?
I'm like an insane 9gagger and now I can finally say,
Honestly, I have no idea how I'm feeling.
Nor do I know how I'm supposed to be feeling.
Maybe it's cause it hit me at the wrong time.
I mean i'm already going insane with my workload and crap.
And let's not forget my massive emo phase the same time, last year.
Way too much for me to handle at this point.
Some alcohol now would be great!

So anyways, I have a handful of really lovely friends.
Thank you guys truckloads for caring and being supportive.
Though, you're in for a big surprise when I actually meet you guys.
Haha. You have been warned.

Holidays in late February.
It's got me all excited :)
Already got one party invitation.
And clubbing with the boys from class~
That's going to be a hell of an insane night for sure!

P.S. In desperate need of an ice-cream remedy.

Monday, January 09, 2012

'When all hope is lost'
Is it too really much to ask for?
For everyone to simply forgive and forget.
And then move on,pretending like absolutely nothing happened.
For what I've been through, it definitely is.
I'd reconsider if it was just one or two misunderstandings.
But countless misunderstandings, suggests something's not right.
Or something is just not meant to be the way you want it to be.
I mean, shit happens to everyone right?
You don't just dwell on it till someone save you from your own sorrows.
You either save yourself, or just keep on running or hiding.
Nobody wants to carry another person's burden unwillingly.
Cause I know I don't.
I'm just saying, I'm done with dealing with shit like this.

Well, the first week of 2012 is over.
Things have been, well, pretty much unbalanced lately.
School isn't getting any easier.
There's truckloads of assignment piling up and I've got to admit, it's a struggle.
I can barely get enough sleep every night.
Yet, I've still got to sacrifice time to study and do assignments.
I guess it's time I kiss my social life goodbye.
Or at least tone it down till it's back to the holidays.

What's there to say?
Nothing much except I really miss my IJ friends.
Life is a hell lot duller without you guys :(
No joke.

So anyways, the whole 'no new year resolution' thing got me thinking.
Perhaps I decided not to have one, because nothing seems satisfactory?
Like seriously.
What am I going to gain from telling myself 'Study harder'?
Yeah, better grades probably but I'm going to hate myself if I still screw up.
'No more alcohol'
Yeah, it's healthier for my body but i'll resort to something worse when I feel like crap.
And for everything else, it's the same.
There's a pro, and a con.
So basically, what I realized is,
I'm a bloody pessimist.

Insecurities kill.
At least lies only scar.
That's the only reason why I consider lying.

Monday, January 02, 2012

'Cheers to the freaking new year.'

So Christmas passed by faster than usual last year.
And New Year's Day is the past too.
I have to admit the parties were definitely amazing.
Nothing beats catching up with my IJ sweethearts.
And chilling with cool new friends.

On the downside, 2012 is being a bitch to me so far.
No details.
Instead, enjoy the photos.