Friday, December 21, 2007

Countdown ; 4 more days!
And i've yet to get the presents yet.
Gosh, what to get? I've got no idea.
Anyways, track farewell earlier on.
Started like 2 hours later.
Talked, exchanged presents ate and left.
To church supposedly to meet danny cause i was bored.
But had to pass stuff to michelle and i PS danny.
Sorry yeah, Home's boring.
I need a life!

Monday, December 17, 2007


Gosh, the year really passed fast. Christmas is in like a week and i haven't gone shopping or anything yet. School books tomorrow, like finally. I've got no idea why but i'm excited to open the textbooks :D Gonna get my stuff tomorrow too! I'm really really happy! haha! But there's just one problem! Something i want is really hard to get ): I've been playing soccer and pool lately. haha, gosh, soo many changes. Take a look at the pictures, can you believe that's gen last time!? And now she's a brace face! haha.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Alright, yesterday had a movie marathon over at my place. Unbelievable but we watched 11 shows total :D I felt like a serious pig doing nothing the whole day! Well, today, was supposed to go cycling, then my chain got problem. Soo we went to play pool. I'm improving :D After soccer with servers, gosh, that was weird. Like seriously, i've never imagined myself playing there! Then went to get dinner and got a "ride" from sean, that idiot ah, cycle like never cycle before,


Monday, December 10, 2007


Well, on michelle's birthday we went over to sentosa to celebrate. 8.00am sharp, but then ah, some people just had to come late. Well, we were playing soccer then someone kick the ball, it ended up in the sea, the part where all the boats are -.- Walau! Some uncle's in a boat help us to retrieve it :D Kelvin came later with michelle's so called 'cake'. Later this group of thai people and one ang mo guy. I played goalie as usual -.- Funny, all the girls left me sial! Well, it was a real blast!

Soccer with the thai people.
Surprise michelle!
Lyn :)
Went into the hotel toilet to change, haha

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Carmen! I know you're reading this and i'll give you 3 good reasons why you love me! HAHA!

1.) I'm smarter than you :P
2.) You think i rock your socks :D
3.) You disturb me ALOTTT!

HAHA! see lahh, i just knew it :P There's no way you can hide how much you love me because it is soo obvious XD I know you're just waiting for school to start next year soo you and can see me and you miss me like hell because we're not in the same class next year right. It's okayy, haha! I still remember you :P DESIREEEE ROCKS!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Yesterday lunched with family at Far east. Went home because was supposed to go jogging or cycling with danny. But ended up going to Ang moi kio with danny, jeremy and anthony.Walked around practically the whole place then we got bored soo we went to town. Again-.- Well, haha, walked around somemore. They're damn one kind. Keep on asking me to eat and drink when i'm not hungry or thirsty. Best part, still can say i damn one kind.No need to eat, drink or go toilet. Leaving, sat at the youth park there and watched some people skate. HAHA, there was this small boy damn pro alrightt. Got busted when i got home. Mum was unhappy because i came home ''LATE''. Haven't even my curfuee she still want to complain, then still want to ground me-.- Irritating. Haha, i bet by tomorrow she'll forget and i'll be free again (:

Missed training today, couldn't wake up for some reason. Soo i'm working out at home, it's raining and i can't go out and jog ): Planning for another soccer and ahli-pomb day with the rest, jm says friday! Set ah!

Monday, December 03, 2007


Training today was a motivational talk by ms eileen. Gosh, i admire those people alright. Ms eileen is like DA BOMBZZXXXX! All the videos she showed us we really unbelieveable. She's a gymnast, hurdler and diver. Best part, she went to sea games for all of it and won something. The piece of paper in still in my wallet, Blank. I have yet to find something to motivate me ): Nevermind, it takes time :D I'm going to laminate it after i write something on it and keep in in my wallet till i lose it. We choose like all our track stuff for next year, fast yeah. Reminds me, i need to get new spikes, not the shoes but the needle thingy.

Went over to Jiamin's place.There was this old man at the pool sun tanning or something, haha, horrible sight. Supposed to go town but ended going to woodlands instead. Don't want to say what happened and all. But, it was unexpected.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Youth conference yesterday was awesome. Praise and worship was really nice and i liked the workshops.Haha, dolly was right alrightt. I have no idea why i seem to be effing irritated when something happens. Grrr, annoying. Today slacked at Gen's place till late. Tomorrow i've got to go for training OR ELSE.....

Think again...

Friday, November 30, 2007


Youth conference tomorrow, gosh, something ruined my afternoon nap >:( Well, mum woke me up because gab called complaining that they said he has yet to pay for the youth conference-.- Grrr, best part. They made a mistake by writting celine's name instead of his-.- Ahh, well, fuck it already. At least i did get some rest. I'm dead tired nowdays. Anyone wants to jog or cycle or work out with me sunday evening? I need a new jogging buddy. Dawn stays too far to jog at night:(

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Training today really felt like training. No teacher came sadly and we were supposed to do gym but we couldn't get the door open. Throwers did tyres, jumpers did idk what and we did drills, push-ups, crunches, some squats, bench press and some sprints. Gosh, felt soo good. Haha, i feel fitter than usual suddenly:D Well, after school slacked at tiong with isabelle and dawn as usual. Then went home to bake cookies. Slept for like two hours then amrish called and woke me up):

I need to work out badly and fast! I think i've gained weight):


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Sentosa yesterday for gabriel's brithday. There were only 6 of us there, soo pathetic. haha, Tried to get a tan eventhough we were already soo bloody dark, best part. There was no sun-.- Soo we gave up and started throwing sand at Maria. Poor girl. Saw a white crab in the sea, the tide was really low that we couldn't go kayaking. Me, maria, michelle and Joshua built a well. Bused back home.

I've made some targets recently. They make no sense but what the hell. All to be done by the end of november. Going off to meet some people later to talk about stuff. Gosh, this is getting seriously irritating.


Saturday, November 24, 2007


I'm missing all the outing we always have. And especially all the stupid photos everyone always seems to take. From the glam shots to the unglam shots. Today was weird, like seriously. First i went for mass with pereras. Then after mass, maria wanted to go get something. Soo we were walking and we were in our own world. Then michelle accidentaly tapped into this old women, then the guy with her shouted "CAN YOU WALK PROPERLY YOU BLOODY BITCH!" woah! we were damn shocked, TYPICAL CHEENA PERSON. haha, then we just continue walking only. Soo back to church then to court. Met kristel, pereras left. First frank asked us to get a drink, then i went to meet gian. Came back, raymond sent us to get 2 bottles of water. Kristel stupid heard 1. Then came back, and left again to get another 2 bottles-.- Spastic people.

we went somewhere.
Ocip philippines
Chuga dance
2J 07 outing
Clique BBQ, idiots left me and kelvin to do the crab nets!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Alrightt, firsty went to school for LUNCH with OCIP PHILIPPINES people. Then left to botanic gardens for class outing. I seriously expected more people to show up but then... Jieyi was soo bo liao she bought fish food to feed the fishes-.- And soo me, shanna, carmen, jeslyn, kristel, jieyi and dawn went for a walk. Then half way, they all pang seh me shanna and carmen! Walau, i thought they went to walk walk but then they went back. Okayy, soo i rushed off with michelle and kristel to jurong for gian's surprise party. Coolios. He was freaking blurr alright. We played 3 games of bowling. HAHA, it was super spastic!

My blog song sucks right. Carmen choose it for me-.- and i choose her's for her of course! HAHAH! 2 Weeks of horrible blog songs!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I loved it! I thought i was going to suffer with the different living conditions and stuff like that but i was totally wrong. Well, the kids we taught there were super cute and young. They're like 4years old and they wonder around the area soo independently. They're also really smart and enthu. The people there are damn friendly, they will wave at us everytime they see us. I miss Payatas! I miss teh kids! I want to go back! I miss amanda and natasha too! haha, two katong girls i meet there! Can't upload the pictures now. Maybe next time

Alrightt, decided to edit this post after what just happened! Danny called me and asked me to go to some bus stop to lend him an umbrella. Soo desmond and anthony were there too.They were all like crapping with zeph. Then the 912 opposite was approaching! haha, omg! This is hilarious! Desmond ran for it and anthony said he wasn't going to because he had cramps, but he did. The he fell down! HAHAHA! omg! i was like trying to hold my laughter but it's damn funny! Now everytime i see him i bet i'll like imagine that spastic fall

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I'm leaving tomorrow morning! I'm excited and at the same time, worried for some reason. Well, at least dawn, isabelle and de mello will be there with me:D I don't want to leave yet. I'm soo not ready to go there yet. And i'm soo going to miss alot of people.HAHA! Philippines tomorrow, goodbye singapore.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Today had OCIP meeting again. We did dances, shockingly i remembered the steps. I'm going to leave in TWO days time and i've lost focus-.- Great job. I viewed something a while ago and there's this tiny little sentence i saw and it's making me lose focus! Shitt! But what am i supposed to do, absolutely nothing. Stupid stupid stupid! Well, talking to pokepoke online is funny.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Went for mass today with geneva and gab.Then lunched and went for meeting, practiced some dance.I'm going to be an angel, how unbelievable. Well, nothing really happened today, we just slacked and camwhored alittle.Amrish is weird, haha, called me all of a sudden because he thought i was slacking under some void deck, Thanks ah. I've sitll got about 25 more fingerpuppets to sew by tonight, Stress. Training and OCIP meeting tomorrow, shopping on tuesday and on wednesday, i'm gone! Yesterday i was bloody irritated alright. I can't stand it anymore! Danny is damn crazy right now. Hahah, spastic msg.


Low crime doesn't mean no crime.
bus stop bordrem

Friday, November 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Emmanuel Soh

I've been either too busy or too tired to updated for the past week.My LJ's worse i guess. Had a clique BBQ on wednesday, it was damn sucessful.PRAISE THE LORD. Stayed till 6+ the next morning then cabbed home. Went town with avlyn, gian, leslie and aunties just now.Haha, spastic. I want to get more pants!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Name 10 people you can think of
right off the top of your head.
Don't read the questions underneath
until you write the names of all 10
people. This is a lot funnier if you
actually randomly list the names first.

1) Dawn
2) Poem
3) Avlyn
4) Ashley
5) Michelle
6) Gian
7) Maria
8) Joshua marc
9) Isabelle
10) Danny


-Throught Cat classes

2. What would you do if 2 and 6 were
going out?
-That will be damn gay.

3. How long have you known number 8?
-One to two years only i think

4. What do you think of number 7?
-KING KONG! does that answer your question?

5. What would you do if 4 confessed
they loved you?
-Ashley?! Hahah, that won't happen.

6. Whose 5 going out with?
-A toyol.

7. What does 1 do for a living?
-Practically everything i do too

8. would you live with 4?
-Hmmm, maybe. Nice house! Haha

9. Where does 10 live?
-Near Marsiling MRT station.

10. What do you like 2?
-What do you think? haha!

11 . Does number 1 like to dance?
-Everyone knows she does

12.Does 8 sleep with a stuffed animal?
Haha, idk. I'll ask him

13. What is your opinion of number 9?

14. Would you ever get drunk with
number 8?
-I won't even get drunk in the first place

1 5. What would you do if 1 and 5 were
going out?
-Dawn and Michelle. Hmmm, seems gay to me

16. Ever gone somewhere with
number 10?

17. Would you ever go out with number
- As a group, yeah. And i'll be asking him to Shut up.HAHA!

1)How old were you? - 7.
2)Where did you go to school? - Woodlands Pri
3)Where did you work? - nahh
4)Where did you live? - Woodlands
5)Where did you hang out? - Playgrounds
6)Did you wear glasses? - nahh
7)Who was your friend(s)? - AVLYN! haha!
8)How many piercings did you have? - Two
9)What car did you drive? - I can't
10)Had you been to a real
party? - A kiddy one, yeah
12 ) Had your heart broken? - nope
13) Single/Taken/Married /Divorced? - Single

1)How old were
you? - 12
2)Where did you go to
school? - Woodlands pri
3)Where did you work? - I didnt
4)Where did you live? - Still woodlands
5)Where did you
hang out? - Playgrounds, causewaypoint
6)Did you wear
glasses? - nope
7)Who were your friends? - The MALAY people! haha
8)Who was your crush? - You need not Know
9)How many tattoos did you have? - none
10)How many piercings did you have? -Still two
11)What car did you drive? - none
12) Had your heart broken? - nah
13) Single/Taken/ Married /Divorced? - Single

1)How old are you? - 14
2)Where do you work? - none
3)Where do you live? - WOODLANDS!
4)Do you wear glasses? - nope
5)Who are your friends? - MANY MANY
6)Do you talk to your old friends? - yeah
7)How many piercings do you have? - five
8)How many tattoos? - none
9)What kind of car do you drive? - NOTHING
10)Has your heart been broken? - nope
11)Single/ Taken/Married /Divorced?: - Same lahh
12)Where do you go to school? - CHIJ STC
13)Where do you hang
out? - Everywhere

Sunday, November 04, 2007

desiree is a catwoman! heehee.

see my drawing, not bad hor? you are the old woman crossing the road carrying heavy goods. hahaha. then the shirt you are wearing in the pic is the shirt that you wore during last day of sch. hahaha.

k i'm bored. doshie have miss me not?!?!

tsk comfirm have one la hor? heehee. k byebye.

signing out,

not catwoman :D

Thursday, November 01, 2007

You Are Catwoman

"Life's a bitch. Now so am I."

Your Power Color Is Lime Green

At Your Highest:

You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.

At Your Lowest:

You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.

In Love:

You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.

How You're Attractive:

Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.

Your Eternal Question:

"What else do I need in my life?"

You Are a Werewolf

You're unpredictable, moody, and downright freaky.
You seem sweet and harmless, until you snap. Then you're a total monster.
Very few people can predict if you're going to be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.
But for you, all your transformations seem perfectly natural.

Your greatest power: Your ability to tap into nature

Your greatest weakness: Lack of self control

You play well with: Vampires

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


YTSA meeting yesterday was messy. Did some banner with dawn and isabelle.Alissa and heather helped too. It turned out like a disaster when we used spraypaint but we covered up with paint. Sat at Tiong with dawn, isabelle, heather, ruth, siyuan and henrietta for about an hour plus. Today i finally went for training after such a long time. We ran for 30mins in the rain and i think i'm going to fall sick.But at least i lost some calories:D Went to vivo after with isabelles, mello and jiamin. The puppies and hamsters were super cute:D

Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm really, really, really bored:(

Just talked to priscilla, super stupid alright mann, I gave her high hopes:D Yes,yes.I know i'm EVIL!

;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
what's wrong with the blogskin):
Cause hugs are over rated says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
dont know.
Cause hugs are over rated says:
not your type what
Cause hugs are over rated says:
I mean its nice, but you're more of the emo type
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
so not
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
i've got news mann!
Cause hugs are over rated says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
There a peeps from Express going to Acad
Cause hugs are over rated says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
i'll tell you another time
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
;Crashin' Midnight Robbery says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
Cause hugs are over rated says:
I've just read on of Priscilla's blog post and i've been thinking too.
What happened to everyone in 2J? When i was standing up on stage on Friday, hearing the class scream was really great. What didn't happen this year? There were small arguements, fights, break-ups. Now that school has ended and we're all going to be split up, It's such a pity we didn't achieve much as the class known to have "CLASS SPIRIT". Even without camps and Mrs Tan we're still a class.The whole year was just a disaster and i'm glad we're all moving on to sec3.But we're going to be split up this time.Which means less classmates, less unity, new classmates, and being split up.Sad. Let's just wait till the streaming results are out alright.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Yesterday was the last day of school. Had the Saree-tying competition.Vaddi and Dawn were the designers for our class and i was the model-.- Haha, it was fun tying it in all sorts of weird ways. Anyways, we had to tie it infront of the entire school.Gosh! I was embarrased.Best part is, WE WON FIRST! haha.It was damn unexpected alright. After i Soccer-ed and Swam with the usuals.

Back view of the saree
Front view of the saree
Some failure version we tried

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Okayy,we've just found out that no one in our class is going to retain(: but we did badly. Soo they're having this banner making competition and a sari making competition. Was supposed to do banner but me dawn and carmen went to do the sari.Dawn came over to start on it and we spent like half the time just fooling around.Pictures in my LJ, soo yeah

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Yesterday and today was marking day, sadly had to go back to school after that. We had breifings, meetings and so called trainings for OCIP. I'm going to PHILIPPINES! haha, the thing was super boring, it's like alot of work! And RESEARCH TOO! We're leaving in 4weeks, wow, time sure flies by. Hahah, Supposed to go sentosa with shanna and carmen tomorrow but then i'm too busy soo i guess it's postponed!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Error Operator

I skipped school today, stayed home instead. Well, i passed my english:) And 8 marks away from michelle soo that's good! Yesterday went to play soccer at court at 9 in the morning. There was Ashley, Gian, Joshua M, Joshua T, Daniel, Nana, Avlyn, Michelle, Maria, Kristel and Me! Well, it started to rain as we went for lunch but we played for at least 6 hours! HAHA!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

doshie is in love with me too. heehee.
cause firstly, she blog back for me :D
secondly, she really love me :D
thirdly, she took picture of my PRETTAYE drawing on the board! HAHAHAHA
dont shy laa. i'm speaking nothing but the truth. heehee
the yin yang thing i draw one that's why nice what. i draw alr then i send to your bro then you found it in his com, then you post it in my blog.
and i'm not weirdo. stupid catwoman. *scratch* and *meow* hahaha. that's what you always do! LOL.
ohkaye dohkayeeee. plan D on tuesday ah! then change thing lorh. you think change to what then tell me lorh. sayonara!

signing out;
wuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D
you took a glance for,


Today cat class was awesome! We all got BEN'S AND JERRYS! well, four of us shared a tub but it was great! Then we had a debate on Abortion.I was in group two and we were FOR making abortion illegal.Nicholas Micheal was like the main speaker alright.Hahah, counter back like shitt! But we ended up with a tie. Mass-ed with the usuals, then went to meet danny, went court and crashed home supre early.
doshie doshie doshie! :D
our plan C succeed ytd! but wrong target! ): so how? plan D arh? you also kana by plan C ytd. hahaha.
omg! your yin yang thing is damn COOLIOS! hahaha. i know why you want to be the tiger alr! cause the tiger is from the CAT family and you're a CAT womannn! heehee i so smart hor?
& i use nicolette's smelly jacket is to cover my - only la hahaha. who ask you to smell it! toot~~~
byebye! weee~~~~~
doshie love carmen!
carmen dont love doshie!

Friday, October 12, 2007


i'm blogging here agian after about a week already now.Well, exams are officially over.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

firstlyyy, carmen rocks!
secondly, carmen is smarter than doshieeee!
lastly, err, wait arh, i think 1st, think alr then i write :D
see doshie! i'm smart too! i can HACK into your acc! muahahaha.
heehee i'm so smart worzxz. *clap clap clap* thankyou thankyou(:
k, must rmb our plan B tmr! if possible sabo dawn ok???
tsk tsk tsk poor dawn dawn ): hahaha
weee~~~ doshie's blog skin is as BLACK as her! HAHAHAHA!
you're black i'm whiteee. then when we mix we can become the yin yang thing! hahahaha COOLIOS! k i'm so bullshit.
may god bless you byebye! wee~~~~

signing out;
jr st.gab! hahaha

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

another deep dark secret revealed.

I'm going to stop blogging until the end of exams alright.I'll only be updating my LJ for the time being. Stupid carmen chuang made me put the <3>

Saturday, September 29, 2007

it's not a reason at all.

Well, today had to go to church earlier to do some packing.Went straight for cat class after, we had to watch some movie and the teachers all went out.Soo we we're observing certain people in the class.There were gays. Inside joke soo yeah. Had to go for mass since little bro was having his first holy communion.Attended with the usuals.Then went up to avlyn's place.We were watching some hindi stuffs, it was really funny.Then joshuaM came up.Went to al-amin for dinner and pereras crashed back.Gian, joshua and kristel are scared of cats-.-Soo we headed for church after dinner cause we needed to go to the toilets badly! Kristel went into st.pauls with whoever they were.Then slacked and crapped on the sofa with avlyn, gian and joshua.Left and went to joshua's place.It was damn nice! We soo want to go swiming there another time!Soo left, they walked me back home.Anyways, i called someone and she didn't answer her phone, soo i called the other person. Alright, like what the fuck is your problem now. Answer the phone also want to show attititude sial. "What you want lahh?!".Basket! I want to just say"Fuck you lahh, forget it bastard!".But then, i didn't.It's fucking annoying okayy! What the hell did i even do?

Friday, September 28, 2007

priorities, such a pity no one understands it completely

Some dumb survey thing.I was bored soo yeah

one] what is your natural hair color?
Dark brown/black.

[two] where is your default picture
At Home.

[three] what's your middle name?

[four] what color do you hate most?

[five] does your crush like you back?
How am i supposed to know?! But i don't think soo, soo yeah. I'll take it as a NO.

[six] what is your current mood?
High, talking to DESIREE L online! haha.

[seven] what color underwear are you

[eight] what makes you most happy?
Many-many things.

[nine] look at a picture/poster in
your room, who's on it?
A present that dawn gave me.

[ten] if you could go back in time and
change something, what you would
All my past exam results.haha!

[eleven] if you must be an animal for
one day, what would you be?
Either a lion or a horse. hahaha!

[twelve] ever had a near death
Yeah. I stupidly walked and almost got knocked down by a car!

[thirteen] something you do a lot?
Eat sleep breathe. ahaha!

[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
The mission impossible theme song. I have no idea why.

[fifteen] what is your desktop

[sixteen] what are you wearing?
Yellow kiapkiap tee, stc shorts.

[seventeen] when was the last time you
I have no idea. hahaha.

[eighteen] have you ever sung in front
of a large audience?
Had no choice!

[nineteen] if you could have one super
power what would it be?
To shoot fire at people!

[twenty] what's the first thing(s) you
notice about the opposite sex?
Their voices.HAHAHA.

[twenty-one] what do you usually order
from Starbucks?
Mocha frapp<3

[twenty-two] what's your biggest
You don't need to know that.

[twenty-three] favorite color?
Yellow and black:D

[twenty-four] is it sunny or raining?
I have no idea.It's dark.

[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy
movies or TV shows?

[twenty-six] what are you eating or
drinking at the moment.
Nothing. I'm on a heavy diet now!

[twenty-seven] do you speak any other
Yeah, i have a mother tongue after all.

[twenty-eight] what's your favorite

[twenty-nine] if you could describe
your life in one word what would it be?

[thirty] when was the last time you
received a hug?
Erm, today during mass.By de mello!

[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in
the rain?

[thirty-two] what/who are you thinking
about right now?
Haha, weird much? My good friend.

[thirty-three] what should you be
Decorating my brother's First holy comunnion candle.

[thirty-four] what was the last thing
that made you upset/angry?
You'll know who.

[thirty-five] how often do you laugh?
Nowdays, not that much anymore.

[thirty-six] do you like working in
the yard?
I don't even have a yard.

[thirty-seven] if you could have any
last name in the world, what would you
Nonis! haha, like it the way it is.

[thirty-eight] do you act differently
around your crush/significant other?
Yeah, and soo that's what they say.

[thirty-nine] name one song that
reminds you of an ex?

[forty] who was the last person to
make you cry?
Idk, it was a long long time ago yeah.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

a birthday surprise i have never expected.

Well, yesterday had an early birthday dinner at Café Cartel.Today, yeah it's my birthday.Well, when dawn came in the mrt.I was shocked.A GIANT SUNFLOWER! thank you.Got alot of wishes too.And PRESENTS! hahaha. My table was over flooded with them alright.Best part was that today there was MALAY EOY PAPER! seemed easier than the others.I'm confident on getting at least as 55! Well, after school went to KFC for lunch with nicolette, michelle, priscilla, jieyi, sharon, dawn and danny. Then we all went back. Danny and dawn went to the library.I didn't want to go home so early soo i tagged along. Sat at some deep corner.Basket! Danny's parents cam out of the blue!Wanted to go back but dawn didn't allow me to. Then anthony came. That was damn unexpected alright.Started out with the 3 of them studying and me doing nothing.Then they started to doodle and i have no idea how we started to laugh damn loudly.Dawn was noisy as usual, danny was plain weird and anthony was spastic.Soo we almost got chased out of the library for being too noisy.Then we left, went to the toilet first.Dawn ran there-.- Then left.Wanted to walk but decided to send dawn off first. Soo then she left and left me with the two of them.HAHA. i was lazy to take a bus soo i walked.


Thanks to
Dawn and Danny for the card, "Horse", Lion and GIANT SUNFLOWER!
Sharon for the card and the 3 YELLOW roses!
Nicolette for the letter, cookeis and the 3 RED roses!
Kristel for the CEREAL!
Liyana for the CARD!
Nass for the BISCUITS!
Jieyi for the box of CHOCOLATES!
ISABELLE CHUA for the Picture frame and TOWEL!
And everyone else for the wishes!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

In the begining, i tried to warn you,
You play with fire, it's gonna burn you.

Alright.Saturday sucked. But today was rocking. Went for meeting then up to avlyn's to study.Finally got the time and a nice enviroment to study.Went to go get food and stuff after then went to church with pereras.Left our bags there, then went to get more food, candles and a lighter.Then left to find a spot to play with fire.HAHA. It's a tradition. We do this every year. People celebrate in church, we go out and play with fire.Found a very nice spot somewhere and we played with fire.Hahah! Pereras left and i went to church to meet my parents. Boring boring. While they were busy doing stuff, i played with the lighters:D haha!

Playing with the kittens!
A retarded photo gab took!
Playing sparklers with MEDIUM BOY!