a birthday surprise i have never expected.
a birthday surprise i have never expected.
Well, yesterday had an early birthday dinner at Café Cartel.Today, yeah it's my birthday.Well, when dawn came in the mrt.I was shocked.A GIANT SUNFLOWER! thank you.Got alot of wishes too.And PRESENTS! hahaha. My table was over flooded with them alright.Best part was that today there was MALAY EOY PAPER! seemed easier than the others.I'm confident on getting at least as 55! Well, after school went to KFC for lunch with nicolette, michelle, priscilla, jieyi, sharon, dawn and danny. Then we all went back. Danny and dawn went to the library.I didn't want to go home so early soo i tagged along. Sat at some deep corner.Basket! Danny's parents cam out of the blue!Wanted to go back but dawn didn't allow me to. Then anthony came. That was damn unexpected alright.Started out with the 3 of them studying and me doing nothing.Then they started to doodle and i have no idea how we started to laugh damn loudly.Dawn was noisy as usual, danny was plain weird and anthony was spastic.Soo we almost got chased out of the library for being too noisy.Then we left, went to the toilet first.Dawn ran there-.- Then left.Wanted to walk but decided to send dawn off first. Soo then she left and left me with the two of them.HAHA. i was lazy to take a bus soo i walked.

Thanks to
Dawn and Danny for the card, "Horse", Lion and GIANT SUNFLOWER!
Sharon for the card and the 3 YELLOW roses!
Nicolette for the letter, cookeis and the 3 RED roses!
Kristel for the CEREAL!
Liyana for the CARD!
Nass for the BISCUITS!
Jieyi for the box of CHOCOLATES!
ISABELLE CHUA for the Picture frame and TOWEL!
And everyone else for the wishes!
Dawn and Danny for the card, "Horse", Lion and GIANT SUNFLOWER!
Sharon for the card and the 3 YELLOW roses!
Nicolette for the letter, cookeis and the 3 RED roses!
Kristel for the CEREAL!
Liyana for the CARD!
Nass for the BISCUITS!
Jieyi for the box of CHOCOLATES!
ISABELLE CHUA for the Picture frame and TOWEL!
And everyone else for the wishes!
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