Friday, June 08, 2012


Well, tomorrow is the last paper for term test :)
On the bright side, that's two weeks of chilling to look forward to.
On the dull side, it not like I don't have projects and assignments.
The last 4 papers were just OMG.
I honestly can't predict how I'll do.
I'm just praying not to fail even 1 module.
Pretty please with cherries on top.

So anyways, looks like i've got myself a little study group.
It's pretty much Eunice, Luqman, Ben, Viknesh, Myself and Khidhir occasionally.
I like that we're all always so hardworking and get distracted over the lamest thing.
Like how we opened up the OHP and started exploring the insides.
We were inspired by OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) :)
Oh, this is Eunice by the way.
I don't know why i'm uploading photos, but yeah.

Gosh I really haven't blogged in ages.
Oh well.
Anyways I got reminded of a song earlier today.
Was my all time favourite song back then :')
If you remember Lost Prophets, then i'm sure you'd appreciate the song.

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