Saturday, June 16, 2007

Went to ESCAPE today! It was raining first but the rides opened anyways! First we went to the viking! HAHAHA! i did't want to go but they pulled me in! then there were other fun rides too but avlyn left hafl-way.Soo it was left with me and celine:D Took photos on some rides! Look at celine and avlyn's blogs for more!
-phone rings-
desiree: HELLO!
avlyn: Eh! can you all come beach now?
desiree: i can't hear you! i'm on the viking
avlyn: eh women! come now!
desiree: Huh? what what what?
avlyn: Hurry up larh women!
desiree: Okay! bye!
and everyone was like staring at me lah!
Outside the toilet!
Our 3rd time on the INVERSE!
In the viking! look at the dumbdumbs behind!

We never got sick of the viking!
Soo we went on it 100000 times!
Sat down cause i felt like puking but look at this!

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